Explorations in Quantum Neural Networks with Intermediate Measurements

In this short note we explore a few quantum circuits withthe particular goal of basic image recognition. The models we study areinspired by recent progress in Quantum Convolution Neural Networks(QCNN). We present a few experimental results, where we attempt tolearn basic image patterns motivated by scaling down the MNIST dataset.

  • Veröffentlicht in:
    ESANN European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN)
  • Typ:
  • Autoren:
    B. Georgiev, L. Franken
  • Jahr:

Informationen zur Zitierung

B. Georgiev, L. Franken: Explorations in Quantum Neural Networks with Intermediate Measurements, European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN), ESANN, 2020, https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Explorations-in-Quantum-Neural-Networks-with-Franken-Georgiev/000ffcf8826897d666974e5180fe1f4b65b6a36f, Georgiev.Franken.2020,